Give the choir a try! We are a friendly, welcoming choir with new people joining each year. We welcome new members at the beginning of each term (January and September). No audition is required - you just need to be able to pitch a note! You do not need to be able to read music, although we do rely on music, especially in our more challenging choral pieces. Why not come along for a free taster session in September or January and see if you would like to join us? You will be made very welcome. Or to find out more, contact [email protected].
It costs £85 per year to be part of the choir (for a year starting September - pro rata if you join part way through the year). It's fine to give it a try for a few weeks, in order to decide if it is for you before making a commitment.
Join us for a day We sometimes host 'Come and Sing' days, which are an opportunity to come together for the challenge of learning a piece in a day, and invite others to join us. Past 'Come and Sing' days have covered Faure's Requiem, Haydn's Creation and Karl Jenkins' Armed Man.See our Events page for details of forthcoming events.
Quotes from choir members "It's educational, it's challenging, it's fun!" "Harmony in the community!" "It relieves stress. A choir is a good way of meeting people. Our choir is a very friendly versatile choir." "It makes me happy." "Singing is good for your health." "Our choir is so friendly." "There is no better way to start the week than the Monday rehearsal!" "Challenging at times, but love it, find it relaxing. Great singing with others"